A first of it’s kind study:
Bringing our ionizing radiation exposed community together to look at the residual emotional trauma handed down generationally from our shared experiences. Sponsored by Still Glowing, LabRats International, National Association of Atomic Veterans, International Center for Multigenerational Legacies Trauma.
The Danieli Inventory is the first validated tool for assessing multigenerational trauma’s impacts. It is the global gold standard for research and treatment for those studying and attempting to prevent intergenerational effects of violence.
21st Gender Summit > Europe, (VIRTUAL) 14-16 April 2021 (FREE + Register)
21st Gender Summit – Europe, 14-16 April 2021, VIRTUAL: Registration is still OPENGender Equality, Diversity, Inclusion post-Corona: Quo vadis?The 21st Gender Summit will take place on-line on 14-16 April. It will mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Gender Summit platform. To celebrate, the Elsevier Foundation prepared a story of our journey so far, which maps important milestones the Gender Summit global community has achieved since the first Gender Summit event in November 2011. A 10th anniversary is a good opportunity to take stock and plan what needs to be done in the next 10 years. The GS21 programme shows that we are certainly in a better place now. The EU policy to advance gender dimension into research, and gender equality into R&I participation, has been strengthened in Horizon Europe and similar science policy innovations have been introduced by Member States, e.g., in Germany and Netherlands, as well as beyond Europe, for instance in Canada, USA, South Korea and Japan. But the GS21 programme also warns of the risks of re-emergence of gender stereotypes (magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic) and of interferences to hinder academic freedom (e.g., the ban on gender studies in Hungary). The theme chosen for GS21 is “Gender Equality, Diversity, Inclusion post-Corona: Quo vadis?” The programme helps explain these concepts and the connections between them in the context of science knowledge-making. The impact of the pandemic on science and academic institutions, the full effects of which are yet to be felt, will be discussed by several speakers. A number of science leaders have recorded video statements to explain the steps they took to address the effects of the crisis on researchers, and women in particular, including: Katja Becker, the President of DFG; Reimund Neugebauer, President of Fraunhofer; Otmar Wiestler, President of Helmohltz Association; Martin Stratmann, President of Max Planck Society; and Hans-Christian Pape, the President of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. GS21 will be hosted on the Meetyoo platform, which requires a password protected login, so although the event is free each person must register to select the password. Click here to access the Registration page . The programme for GS21-Europe involves 120 researchers, gender experts, and policy specialists organised into 16 panel and keynote sessions, and 8 training workshops. We very much hope that you will join us there and will continue supporting the Gender Summit platform to help shape the ‘Quo Vadis’ of the next 10 years. |
On behalf of the global Gender Summit Community, we thank you for your continued interest in advancing the Gender Summit mission to improve quality of research and innovation by applying knowledge of when, why, and how sex/gender factors impact on results and outcomes.
Please encourage colleagues in your networks to subscribe to the Gender Summit Newsletter at https://www.gender-summit.com If you have any queries or comments about the Gender Summit Newsletter, please email the team. The Gender Summit Team |
Do you know if YOU glow?
HUMANITY RISING—On-Line Global Solutions Summit >APRIL 7, 2021 11am Eastern
Children of Atomic Veterans, Gender and Radiation Impact Project, invites you to join us on
HUMANITY RISING—On-Line Global Solutions Summit on APRIL 7, 2021 @ 11 am eastern time – for a panel talking about:
Radiation and Gender: The Effect of Radiation on Women
TINA CORDOVA—Trinity Downwinders
MARY OLSON—Disproportionate Harm of Radiation and Radiation Regulation
CINDY FOLKERS—Nuclear Technology, What is the Price? and Who Pays?
VICTORIA MOORE—Artist and 2nd Gen Cold Warrior, Genetically Modified Offspring
CHUCK JOHNSON—International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Moderator
Watch the session live without having to register using your unique youtube live stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5SFcITQHJg
Register for each weekday HR session through our HR site. This provides daily reminder emails and creates a UbiVerse profile for the registrant: http://humanityrising.solutions/
View our public streams via our Facebook and Youtube channels. These are not unique links to your session, but to Ubiquity’s channels where your event will stream live: https://www.facebook.com/UbiquityUniversityOnline / https://www.youtube.com/c/UbiquityUniversity
Stream through our UbiVerse social learning platform via your unique event link provided in the confirmation section above (profile required). The UbiVerse contains the full event description and our global Humanity Rising community (sign-up): https://ubiverse.org/welcome.html
A recording of your session can be found on Ubiquity’s Facebook and Youtube channels, and in our Resource Library on the UbiVerse: https://ubiverse.org/documents
“I” is for… Ionizing Radiation…
PRESS THE BUTTON – Weekly Podcast
“G” is for…
Helping raise awareness about the human genetic damage ionizing radiation is causing trans-generationally as a result of atomic industries.
Half of all funds raised from tickets sold through the link will be given to Nuclear Hotseat to support the ongoing work of producing the show.
CLICK this LINK for your Virtual Screening:
Here’s the POWER STRUGGLE trailer:
Other LINKS:
Activists Getting Active! Vt. Yankee POWER STRUGGLE film – Robbie Leppzer + Mothers for Peace Rebuts Shameful New Yorker Article – Jane Swanson
Activists Getting Active! Vt. Yankee POWER STRUGGLE film – Robbie Leppzer + Mothers for Peace Rebuts Shameful New Yorker Article – Jane Swanson
This Week’s Featured Interviews: Listen Here >
Activists getting active on multiple fronts!
- Linda Seeley is a veteran member of the group San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace. Here, she fills us in on how the New York article, The Activists who Embrace Nuclear (GAK!) was not researched with anyone connected with the group – meaning due diligence was not done on the article. She has more as well.
- Mothers for Peace is asking for letters to be sent to the New Yorker:Letters to the New Yorker editor: themail@newyorker.com, and per their guidelines, include your postal address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium. All letters become the property of The New Yorker.
- Robbie Leppzer is an award-winning independent documentary filmmaker with over forty years experience who directed POWER STRUGGLE (86 minutes, 2019), which portrays a heated political battle to close down the problem-plagued Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. Filmed over five years, the film follows the unfolding drama as citizen activists and elected state officials—alarmed at increasing safety violations—take on the federal government and one of the biggest power companies in the United States and eventually win. Robbie talks about POWER STRUGGLE, as well as his long filmmaking career which started at age 18 filming the birth of the antinuclear power direct action movement with his film, SEABROOK 1977 (www.turningtide.com/seabrook-1977). He also talks about his 1980 radio documentary, VOICES FROM THREE MILE ISLAND (https://www.powerstrugglemovie.com/voices-from-three-mile-island) and his 1982 nuclear disarmament film, CHOOSE LIFE.
Half of all funds raised from tickets sold through the link
will be given to Nuclear Hotseat
to support the ongoing work of producing the show.
CLICKthis LINK for your Virtual Screening:
Here’s the POWER STRUGGLE trailer:
Other LINKS: